Yoga chrétien



A new trend in yoga combines the exercise with Christianity. 9NEWS reporter Corey Rose reports at 9p., October 16, 2010.

Many have faith In the Neweat Fitness Craze – Christian Yoga. October 4, 2005.

Christian yoga sweeps the US. Jeremy Cooke reports from New York.

More on the CNN Debate "Does God Approve of Yoga?" Video Breaking News Videos from CNN.
Christoga - Christian Yoga



Now "Catholic Yoga" in America. Chicago Chronicle. January 24, 2011.

New yoga combines exercise with Christianity. October 16, 2010.

Yoga goes Christian amid criticism. NBC. November 07, 2005.

Western faiths begin to connect with yoga. Anita Wadhwani. Tennessean. January 21, 2007.

HAF protests christian appropriation of yoga. Letters to Editor of Time Magazine. Swaminathan Venkataraman & Mihir Meghani. Hindu American Foundation. September 5, 2005.

Christian yoga classes encourage poses and Prayer. Katie Zezima / New York Times. September 17, 2005.

Christians get into a devil of a twist over yoga. The Indepent. October 4, 1997.

Stretching for Jesus. Time. August 29, 2005.

Christian Yoga Satans Playground part1 of 2. Le 10 mai 2009.
Le plan de déception de Satan pour tromper le monde en croyant qu'il n'y a rien de mal avec le yoga introduit dans le christianisme.

Christian Yoga Satans Playground part 2 of 2. Le 10 mai 2009.

Sites de références

Christian yoga ? Christian Research Service

Sites et articles

Christian Yoga Certification.

Yoga and Church: 'Is practiced by tens of thousands' in Finland. September 20, 2009.

Can a pagan practice be “christianized ? – Yoga. Marsha West. January 25, 2008.

Yoga renamed is still Hindu. Subbhas R. Tiwari, professeur à Hindu University. Hinduis Today. January/February/March, 2006.

Christian Yoga C’mon ! Marsha West. December 23, 2006.

There is no Christian yoga. Yogi Baba, Vedavisharada, CYI, C.ay, October 23, 2006.

Can yogic practices be integrated with the Christian faith? Pastor Larry DeBruyn. Franklin Road Baptist Church. May 22, 2006.

Christian Yoga - The new appropriation Strategy of delinking yoga from Hinduism. June 02, 2005.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Christian yoga. Scripture yoga.

"Christian Yoga".

Christian Yoga: Oxymoron By Brian Flynn of One Truth Minsitries. Brian était dans le Nouvel age avant.

Can one Christianize Eastern religious practices? By Brian Flynn of One Truth Minsitries.


The Kundalini Effect and Contemplative Prayer. By Brian Flynn of One Truth Minsitries.

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Unknown a dit…

Un bon vieux livre à consulter: "Le Yoga face à la Croix!" Nathalie Ménard, Longueuil