Effets secondaires - Qi gong

Culture-Bound Syndromes..

Qi gong Wikipedia

"The orthodox practitioners warn that improperly supervised practice can cause unbalanced circulation of inner energies that can eventually lead to unbalanced effects on the various systems of the body, both mental and physical. Stories of unguided practitioners or inexpertly guided students developing chronic mental and physical health problems as a result of such training are not uncommon.[9] The term "Qi Gong-Induced Psychosis" was included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, of the American Psychiatric Association in the late 1990s,[10] and is described as a culturally bound disorder with painful psychosomatic symptoms.[11] Dr. Arthur Kleinman and Dr. Sing Lee from Harvard Medical School, researchers on various psychiatric topics in China, suggest that in international psychiatry this illness would be recognized as “…a specific type of brief reactive psychosis or as the precipitation of an underlying mental illness, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or posttraumatic stress disorder.”[12] Lee and Kleinman both claim to have had experience with patients suffering from the condition. "Many kinds of qigong share certain similarities, such as the attainment of a trance state, patterned bodily posture or movement…, the practice of which could induce mental illnesses in some of its practitioners."

Qi gong. Indopedia.

"Stories are told of people gradually developing chronic mental and physical health problems as a result of such training. A common term used by English speaking practitioners for one example of this is "Qigong Psychosis" (Now included in the DSM-IV as a culture-bound syndrome: Qi-Gong Psychotic Reaction: DSM-IV General Information: Appendix I, Outline for Cultural Formulation and Glossary of Culture-Bound Syndromes)." "This recent popularity has also led to increased attention for quasi-religious groups teaching styles of qigong in an atmosphere of New Age-like spirituality. As mentioned above, qigong has been associated in China with Taoist and Buddhist meditation practices for two thousand years, and this association has been exploited, according to traditionalists, by many would be cult leaders. Perhaps the parade example of a group promoting a synthesis of overt religiosity with their qigong is the Falun Gong, whose worldwide popularity grew to the point that the People's Republic of China government banned their practice outright in 1999."

Qigong Disease: What It Is & What to Do about It. Bob Flaws, Dipl. Ac. & C.H. FNAAOM.

Qi-Gong Psychotic Reaction. Timothy McCajor Hall, MD PhD.
Chu J. H. K. Risk of Qigong. Docteur en médecine chinoise et professeur de qi gong à San Francisco.

"What is the risk of doing qigong ? « Les centres qui enseignent le qi gong ont été poursuivis par des gens qui prenaient des leçons d'eux, disant que leur pratique leur a causé une multitude de troubles, allant des dommages émotionnels, aux épisodes psychotiques, aux suicides." (...) "Il y a 20 ans, un centre et ces instructeurs qui enseignaient le qi gong furent poursuivis par plus de 470 personnes disant qu'ils avaient soufferts de dommages physiques et émotionnels, selon un journal de San Francisco, le San Francisco Examiner. » (...) « Des problèmes peuvent apparaître comme de la manie, de la psychose, des hallucinations, un état dépressif et suicidaire, des dépressions nerveuses, l'emballement du rythme cardiaque, des douleurs chroniques et des dédoublements de personnalité. » Ce problème peut aussi apparaître à la suite d'une mauvaise pratique de certains types de yoga (résultant au syndrome de kundalini), de certains types de méditation et de l'hypnose mal fait.(...)."

International Institute of Médical Qi gong.
· Medical Qigong Dao Yin Therapy and Rectifying Qi Deviations.
· Introduction to Chinese Energetic Alchemy
· Medical Qigong Treatment of Spiritual Disorders

Kundalini Short Circuits – Risks & Information. Marja Savola.
Articles about Qigong and Tai Chi disease
Side Effects,Causes & Answers. http://www.chikung-unlimited.com/.
Risk of Qigong. par Joe H. K. Chu in, professeur de Qigong Médical. ici