Effets secondaires - Méditation

Can Meditation Be Bad for You? Mary Garden The Humanist a magazine of critical inquiry and social concern. Published in the Humanist, September/October 2007.

The Dalai Lama has said that Eastern forms of meditation have to be handled carefully: "Westerners who proceed too quickly to deep meditation should learn more about Eastern traditions and get better training than they usually do. Otherwise, certain physical or mental difficulties appear."

"Dr. Solomon Snyder, head of neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University, warns that during meditation the brain releases serotonin. This may help those with mild depression but too much serotonin can cause, in some, a paradoxical relaxation-induced anxiety. Instead of relaxing during meditation, these people become distressed and may even have panic attacks. Snyder says that in some cases of schizophrenia, meditation can launch a person straight into psychosis."

Risks of mediation. Katinka Hesselink. katinkahesselink.net. 2006.
Can Meditation Have Negative Effects? By Margo Bastos. http://www.selfgrowth.com/
The safety of Heat Rhythm Meditation. Energize your hearth.