Définitions - Mantra

Mantra : Terme construit à partir de la racine man, qui signifie "penser", et de la racine trai qui signifie "protéger ou libérer des liens du monde phénoménal". C'est un son ou une combinaison de sons sacrés répétés pendant la méditation, qui résonnent dans le corps et doivent réveiller certaines énergies.
Adamson, E. et Budilowsky, J. (2008). La méditation. Marabout.
Mantra : nom masculin (mot sanskrit signifiant instrument de pensée). Dans l'hindouisme et le bouddhisme, syllabe ou phrase sacrée dotée d'un pouvoir spirituel. (La pratique du mantra est très développée dans le tantrisme.) http://www.larousse.fr/dictionnaires/francais/mantra
Mantra : Formule sacrée du brahmanisme, émanation matérielle du principe divin / Mot sanskrit signifiant « instrument de pensée » et désignant, dans l'hindouisme et le bouddhisme, une syllabe ou une phrase sacrée dotée d'un pouvoir spirituel. [Office de la langue française, 1986] http://www.granddictionnaire.com/BTML/FRA/r_Motclef/index1024_1.asp
Mantra : Dans l'hindouisme et le bouddhisme, syllabe ou phrase sacrée dotée d'un pouvoir spirituel. http://fr.thefreedictionary.com/mantra
Mantra : Formule mystique douée d'effets spirituels dans les religions hindouistes et bouddhistes. http://www.mediadico.com/dictionnaire/definition/mantra/1
Mantra : Hinduism A sacred verbal formula repeated in prayer, meditation, or incantation, such as an invocation of a god, a magic spell, or a syllable or portion of scripture containing mystical potentialities. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/mantra
Mantra : (Sans.) Verses from the Vedic works, used as incantations and charms. By Mantras are meant all those portions of the Vedas which are distinct from the Brahmanas, or their interpretation.

Mantra Yoga
: the meditation techniques that use a charged word or phrase to focus attention, to activate energy, and to unfold the potentials of consciousness.

Mantra : A word or phrase which is repeated continually in order to achieve relaxation or meditation. http://www.religioustolerance.org/gl_m.htm

Mantra : A sacred mystic syllable, word or verse used in meditation and japa to quiet the mind, balance the inner bodies and attain other desired aims.

Mantra : The sacred name of God given by the guru to the disciple. Repetition of the mantra is japa. http://www.vedanta.org/wiv/glossary/glossary_mr.html

Mantra : The names of God; sacred words or divine sounds invested with the power to protect, purify, and transform the individual who repeats them. A mantra received from an enlightened Master is filled with the power of the Master's attainment.

Mantra : Ritual sound, word or phrase used as a tool to focus and quiet the mind. Mantra is a sound or set of sounds that are believed to have the unique power to restore us to a state of pristine harmony. Sea also Chant.

Mantra : also n. Hinduism & Buddhism The supreme and most sacred syllable, consisting in Sanskrit of the three sounds (a), (u), and (m), representing various fundamental triads and believed to be the spoken essence of the universe. It is uttered as a mantra and in affirmations and blessings. http://www.answers.com/topic/aum

Mantra le plus populaire :

Aum : Mystic syllable of Hinduism, identified in the Upanishads as standing for the whole world and its parts, including past, present and future, as well as for Paramatma, the Self of all things. "Aum" is the seed sound, the one undifferentiated primal vibration from which all manifestation issues forth. Associated with Lord Ganesha. Pronounced: "ah" "oo" "mm."

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