TranceNet présente les résultats de diverses recherches.

Negative Side Effects of TM. "Apparently suppressed by MIU and the movement are independent scientific researches that measured the negative side effects of long-term TM practice. Table 1 is a summary of these effects and the independent researchers."

Table 1: Independent Research on Transcendental Meditation -

Effects of the TM - Program Researchers

1. No specific or broad scale special benefits.......Desiraju ....Holmes....Smith

2. Adverse effects in social relationships.............German Study

3. Partially impaired mental faculties..................French ...."German"...Otis...Persinger

4. Loss of self-determination and motivation.......German Study

5. Derealization and depersonalization................Castillo...Persinger

6. "Ego-alien" and epileptic-like experiences........Persinger

7. A high percentage of psychological disorders.."German" ..Glueck ...Heide ..Otis

8. Aggravation of preexisting mental illness........Lazarus .... Persinger

9. The onset of mental illness...............................French .... "German" .... Lazarus .

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